We can say that the fishing seasons in the Cantabrian Sea can be structured according to the species and the month of the year, that is, we have four well-differentiated seasons: that of the mackerel, the anchovy, the tuna and the sardine. < / p>
March. Mackerel or Verdel Campaign
Once the temporary halt of the coastal boats that lasts from November to the end of February ends, we start in March with the capture of the quota of verdel, or mackerel, as it is also called in other areas of the peninsula. The mackerel season lasts between a week and a month depending on when the assigned quota runs out.
During the month of March, verdel or mackerel has an extraordinary fat content. It is filled with something that proves that it is in season.
As a curiosity, due to its large percentage of fat, it is the star food for the fattening up of tunas that are later sent to Japan.
Mackerel is a fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids and proteins of high biological value, so that its protein content is quite similar to that found in meat or eggs. Furthermore, its meat is a great source of vitamins (especially A, D, E and K, in addition to vitamins of group B such as B2, B3, B6, B9 and B12) and minerals (such as potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, iodine and iron).
At Nardin we only use seasonal mackerel to achieve a high quality smoked product. Obtaining loins with a firm texture, golden colour and with a subtle smoky flavour with natural smoke that delights any palate.
April-June. Anchovy Season
Curiosity: Normally, until the mackerel is fished, the anchovy is not fished because the anchovy fears the mackerel and stays at a depth and does not rise to the depth necessary to be fished by sustainable fishing nets, which of course, do not reach full depth.
Once the mackerel campaign is over, the Cantabrian anchovy season begins. It has to be said that there is anchovy in the Cantabrian Sea throughout the year but it does not maintain the characteristics of that season which is the spawning season.
The seasonal anchovy comes to spawn at our coasts between the months of April and June. It is this nuance that makes it so exceptional from others. Its organoleptic properties make this anchovy optimal for the production of the best salting.
The anchovy is caught daily and the ships bring it to the fish markets where Nardín chooses the best consignments based on the size and quality that is presented that day.
Nardín produces Salted Anchovies exclusively with Cantabrian and seasonal anchovies. It will be in the process of maturing for a period of 6 to 8 months for subsequent filleting.
July-September-October. Tuna Season
When the anchovy is flicking its final tails and the boats spot the leaping tuna, they then change their fishing gear from one day to the next to start fishing for tuna. During this season, the boats are absent an average of 8 days and then arrive at the fish market with their catch.
The boats fish the tuna one by one with rods.
Nardín only works with seasonal white tuna and in sustainable ways. Our production is very small and that is why we can control and take care of it as much as possible, from its purchase in the fish market, selecting batch by batch ourselves, through to cooking and storage for two years before ending up in the market.